With the collaboration of ICF Turkey and Gelecek Daha Net Gençlik Platformu (“GDN”), the new era of “Career Coaching Project” is launched.
Within the scope of the project, ICF Certified Coaches provide online “Career Coaching” services to young people. We are implementing this project so that young people realize their own strengths and weaknesses, set their goals and realize their potential to achieve their goals. Since the start of the project, a total of 352 hours of coaching support have been provided to 72 young people.
The coaching meetings will be held online with each young person as a total of 4 sessions and meetings will be held once every one or two weeks for 1 hour. The project will be carried out in 2 different periods (January 2022 and April 2022). The young applicants are expected to spare 1 hour per week to career coaching during their application period. Young people aged 15-29 can apply for the career coaching project.
Coaching is a discipline that aims to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses and gain a different perspective on the issues that challenge and opportunities at hand with the right questions. The coaching meetings allow one to create and focus on their own goals and vision.
Coaching is not a consultancy service where the coach gives advice based on its own work experience and makes internship/job referrals. The career coaching is not training. There will be no training within the scope of the project. Since the coaching meetings are not based on profession, the coach and young person concerned do not have to be from similar professions.
The following topics are included in the content of the coaching meetings:
- Creating a career vision,
- Discovering the values,
- Revealing knowledge, skills and abilities,
- Identifying the strengths and aspects that need to be developed,
- Distinguishing the motivating factors,
- Exploring the potential resources in order to achieve vision and
- Determining what needs to be done to achieve the goal.
Below are some of the feedbacks from young people who have previously received Career Coaching support:
“By knowing myself, I began to set my priorities and goals correctly. Then I learned to create the right career plan to do these things and deal with my shortcomings along the way.”
“I began to practice correct communication in human relationships in my life. I gained the ability to manage my time correctly.”
“The biggest contribution of the coaching process to me was knowing myself, discovering my personal traits and figuring out how to correct my shortcomings. I learned to act in line with my goals.”
“The fact that the coaching meetings were in a ‘counselor’ format rather than a ‘guide’ made me feel like I could actually turn to myself for what I wanted to achieve.”
The Career Coaching project has completed four years. A total of 372 hours of coaching support have been provided to total of 63 young people in 4 years. After the meetings, assessment questionnaires have been conducted for young people.
According to the results of the questionnaires,
- All young people have stated that they are able to achieve the goals they have set after the coaching process.
- All young people have indicated that they achieve results more easily due to coaching.
- All young people have acquired coaching skills that they will always use.
- 83% of young people have developed problem-solving skills.
- All young people have a relationship of trust with their coach.
- All young people think that his/her coach encourages him/her.
- All young people have noted that his/her coach ensured him/her to focus on issues important.
- The coaching process has been a win for all young people.
- All young people are aware of their strengths through coaching.
- All young people see the coaching meeting as a chance.
- Coaching has added value to the lives of all the young people involved.
- The self-confidence of all young people has increased.
- All young people recommend the coaching meeting to other young people.
- Young people have made it clear that they have changed in terms of self-confidence, not getting stuck with other people’s criticism, self-esteem and coping with difficulties and shortcomings.
- The greatest achievement of young people is being self-confidence.
The things that young people can do differently after the coaching process have actually become a skill for them. Their personal development has noticeably increased and they have acquired new skills and competencies.
A young person who has difficulty making decisions has acquired the ability to make decisions very easily and confidently. Another young person has stopped blaming himself/herself and being angry with himself/herself and boosting his/her self-confidence. Another young person has started to take firmer steps towards achieving his/her goals with the coaching process.
Young people feel very lucky to be involved in such a coaching process and are very happy. The whole process has been very efficient. Young people have found the number of meetings, which is 6, sufficient, but noted that they do not want the process to end and want to have the opportunity to meet with their coach constantly. This shows how beneficial and empowering this process is to young people.
“Kendimi tanıyarak, önceliklerimi ve hedeflerimi doğru belirlemeye başladım. Sonrasında bunları yapmak için doğru bir kariyer planı oluşturmayı bu yolda eksik yönlerim ile mücadele edebilmeyi öğrendim.”
“İnsan ilişkilerinde doğru iletişim kurmayı hayatımda uygulamaya başladım. Zamanımı doğru yönetme becerisi kazandım.”
“Koçluk sürecinin bana en büyük katkısı; kendimi tanımam, kişisel özelliklerimi keşfetmem ve eksik yanlarımı nasıl düzeltmem gerektiğini kendi içimde bulmam oldu. Hedeflerim doğrultusunda harekete geçmeyi öğrendim.”
“Koçluk görüşmelerinin bir ‘yol gösterici’den ziyade bir ‘rehber’ formatında olması, aslında başarmak istediklerim için kendi içime dönebileceğimi hissettirdi.”